Specialising in body procedures for over 30 years, Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is here to help you make the informed choice. View our body procedures below or contact our helpful team today to discuss the best option for you.
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is the most effective way to tighten and tone the abdomen. A tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and fat (including stretch marks) as well as the tightening of the abdominal skin.
Fat deposits in certain areas simply cannot be lost through diet and exercise no matter how hard we try. An otherwise fit person can have unwanted fat in specific spots on the knees, thighs, buttocks, hips, upper arms, abdomen or under the chin. That’s where our liposuction services have helped thousands of patients.
Micro Lipo (Small Volume Liposuction)
Micro lipo is one of the latest and most advanced body sculpting treatments available in Australia. It is a minimally invasive fat removal and body shaping procedure designed to enhance your body contours and definition.
Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)
Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, helps reduce flabby upper arm skin, sometimes called ‘bat wings.’
Skin Cancer Surgery (Including Mole Removal)
Skin cancer surgery / mole removal is performed under local anaesthetic in our Melbourne clinic’s dedicated procedure room. As a result, there is minimal disruption and discomfort to your body and your recovery is as easy and rapid as possible.