Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is here to help you make the informed choice

What you need to know about Breast Implants

Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is here to help you make the informed choice about your breast augmentation surgery.

We understand the decision to undergo breast augmentation can be filled with apprehension and concern, so we do everything we can to make the process as comfortable as possible for you. The decision to undergo breast implants surgery is filled with questions: What size? What style? What shape? What position? What incision? What’s to be expected with my breast implants after my operation? Can textured implants cause cancer?

It’s important to us that you receive the answers you need for all of these questions, so we guide you through the entire decision process to ensure you achieve the most satisfying result. To ensure maximum comfort and safety, we also take great care with your breast implants before and after the surgery. Our practitioners have extensive experience, having performed over 5,000 breast enlargement operations at Avenue Aesthetic Surgery and their aim is to help you achieve your desired results. As each surgery varies, we can discuss the cost of your procedure during your first consultation.


OUR APPROACH TO YOUR Breast Implant Surgery

We begin with a discussion of your options, offering numerous before and after images to aid your decision. Your surgery will be performed as a Day Case at the adjacent, fully equipped Windsor Private Hospital. Our patients normally return home by the afternoon. However, if you require or prefer an overnight stay, this is also available. You will be seen the following morning by our dedicated and experienced surgical nurse and then regularly throughout your recovery.

Recovery typically involves wearing a postoperative bra for 3 months and a ‘bra band’ over the top of the breasts for 6 weeks. We recommend no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for approximately 6 weeks following surgery. Most of our patients return to relatively normal activity and sedentary work after 1 week.

All surgery carries risks which are important to understand so that you make a well-informed decision. Complications associated with breast augmentation include bleeding, infection, capsular contracture (thickening of the scar tissue around the implant), alterations in nipple sensation, malposition of the implants, implant rupture, asymmetry, poor scarring, deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) and anaesthetic complications.

This listing is not all-inclusive and patients may be at risk for additional complications depending on their past medical and surgical history. A thorough discussion will occur during consultation with your doctor including ways to mitigate risks prior to surgery and steps taken to treat complications should they occur.

Breast Implant Size

This can be a dilemma for most women. We are more than happy to help you with this decision. Our practitioners can help you choose the appropriate size. To aid you in your decision making, we’ll show you a range of images from different operations. It’s an important process and we dedicate the necessary time in guiding you to ensure that you feel comfortable.

Breast Implant Shape

Breast implants can be either teardrop-shaped or round. Teardrop-shaped breast implants are designed to follow the natural profile of the breast and some women feel they achieve the most natural-looking result. However, implants can shift within the breast, and when a teardrop-shaped implant shifts, it can distort the shape of the breast. There are now newer implants which are round in shape when lying down but transition to a teardrop shape upon standing which eliminates the issues with shifting teardrop-shaped implants. Round breast implants do not have a definitive top or bottom and so they can shift freely without changing the shape of the breast. When these implants are placed under the pectoral muscle, the muscle presses on the upper part of the implant, creating a natural teardrop shape.

The Incision

Planning the site of your incision is an important aspect of breast implant surgery. The most common site for the incision is just above the fold, under the breast. This incision gives excellent access to create a pocket behind the pectoral muscle. The scar is usually only 3-4cm long and usually heals well. Alternative approaches include an incision in the armpit or around the border of the areola.

No two breast augmentation procedures are the same. A satisfactory outcome depends on a careful and comprehensive evaluation of your personal needs followed by skilful surgery. At Avenue Aesthetic Surgery, we are committed to breast augmentation surgery with peace of mind.

What to Consider
  • Your personal preferences
  • Your existing amount of breast tissue
  • Your overall body shape - proportions, dimensions and body contours - are all important to consider in conjunction to breast size and shape.
  • The cost of your breast implants – as each surgery is specific to each patient, we can discuss the costs during your first consultation

Have You Considered Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer?

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is the latest innovation in breast surgery at Avenue Aesthetic Surgery.

Blog Article:
Want to Learn More About Saline vs. Silicone Implants?

Considering a breast augmentation with implants but still unsure of the benefits of saline over silicone implants? Our founder, Mr. Allan Kalus has written an in-depth blog covering this very subject, shedding light on the safety of saline versus silicone.

Blog Article:
Safety In Breast Augmentation – A Risk Management Approach

Breast augmentation is a particularly high risk procedure yet breast augmentation remains a popular procedure. How then can we reduce the risk of breast augmentation surgery. It all comes down to choice.


The cost of breast augmentation can vary from patient to patient, depending on the procedure. To ensure complete accuracy, we can determine pricing during your first consultation after we have been able to gain an insight into what is necessary for your individual case. Our surgery is designed to treat each patient individually, giving you a completely tailored experience.

Call Avenue Aesthetic Surgery today on 03 9521 1777 to discuss the cost of your breast implants.



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