Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is here to help you make the informed choice
What you need to know about Gynaecomastia
Gynaecomastia is a common condition that affects almost 40% of men. In most cases, gynaecomastia is due to fat deposits in the chest under the breasts. However, the condition occasionally occurs when the male breast glands become enlarged.
A male breast reduction can often be about more than physical appearance. Many of our male patients with enlarged breasts felt restricted in the clothing they were able to wear or did not feel comfortable baring their chests at, for example, the beach. Fortunately, large male breasts can be removed through breast reduction surgery.

OUR APPROACH TO Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Your male breast reduction can be performed as a Day Case at the adjacent Windsor Private Hospital. The procedure usually takes less than an hour and our patients can return home by the afternoon. The Day Surgery system provides extensive support during your recovery period. You will be seen on the morning after your surgery and then regularly during the recovery period.
Recovery typically involves wearing a compression garment over the chest for 6 weeks. We recommend no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for approximately 6 weeks following surgery. Most of our patients return to relatively normal activity and sedentary work after 1 week.
All surgery carries risks which are important to understand so that you make a well-informed decision. Complications associated with male breast reduction include bleeding, infection, poor scarring, skin irregularities, asymmetry, deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) and anesthetic complications.
This listing is not all-inclusive and patients may be at risk for additional complications depending on their past medical and surgical history. A thorough discussion will occur during consultation with your doctor including ways to mitigate risks prior to surgery and steps taken to treat complications should they occur.
Minimally invasive approach
At Avenue Aesthetic Surgery, your doctor may recommend:
- Liposuction If your gynaecomastia is primarily caused by fatty tissue, your doctor may recommend liposuction. Liposuction removes excess fat from the breast area to create a more sculpted male chest. This minimally invasive technique substantially reduces scarring.
- Surgical Incision If your gynaecomastia is the result of firm glandular tissue, your doctor may recommend a small incision to remove excess glandular tissue and fat from the breast. The incision is made at the base of the areola to minimise visible scarring. Excision may be performed in conjunction with liposuction to create an even flatter chest.
Speak with one of our experienced practitioners, Dr Allan Kalus and Dr Angie Taras, about your needs to determine which option is best for you.