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What you need to know about Tuberous Breasts, Ptotic Breasts and Breast Asymmetry
These are all conditions which require careful evaluation – preferably by an experienced practitioner who will then help you develop a treatment plan.

Tuberous Breasts
Tuberous breasts occur in many different degrees of severity. They are due to a tightness within the breast tissue which prevents the breasts from developing normally. The constriction can cause the breast to look deformed, can prevent development of the breast and can cause deformities of the nipple areolar complex. A number of treatments are available depending on the severity of the condition.
For example breast implants along with cutting of the constricting bands may be a solution. Sometimes a periareolar or ‘doughnut’ mastopexy is required – especially if the nipple areolar complex is severely affected. A relatively recent treatment for tuberous breasts is the use of fat transfer. Using your own fat will both increase the size of your breasts and also reduce the internal contracture. As fat transfer produces minimal scars on the breasts, it is often an attractive alternative compared to the other techniques which all result in a larger degree of scarring.
Breast Ptosis
Breast ptosis refers to a saggy breast. The ptosis can be mild, moderate or severe. For mild ptosis a correction is usually achieved by inserting a breast implant and doing an internal release of the tissues beneath the inframammary fold. Increasing the breast volume by a fat transfer will also correct mild ptosis. If the ptosis is moderate or severe then a breast lift will be required.
A breast lift involves moving the nipple to a higher level on the breast skin. Increased volume is occasionally required and this can be achieved either with a breast implant or, commonly these days, by fat transfer. The scars from a breast lift or mastopexy procedure are very similar to the scars following a breast reduction, although often it is possible to minimise the scars by careful planning of the surgery.
Breast Asymmetry
Breast asymmetry refers to breasts which are unequal in size and shape. Nearly every woman has a slight degree of asymmetry, i.e. one nipple is slightly higher than the other or one breast is slightly larger than the other. This is normal and does not require treatment.
When breast asymmetry is severe however, it can cause distress. Severe differences in the size and shape of the breasts can make it difficult to buy clothing or wear a swimsuit. For these women a careful treatment plan has to be developed. The plan will differ from patient to patient but may often consist of a combination of reduction of the larger breast and augmentation of the smaller breast. Occasionally, only one breast has to be treated but very often both breasts receive some form of adjustment.