Private Hospital
Overnight Stays
Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is situated adjacent to Windsor Private Hospital, an accredited and fully equipped Private Hospital offering you the choice between Day Surgery and an overnight stay.
Do any patients stay overnight? The answer, of course, is yes. Patients may choose an overnight stay because they are from interstate or overseas, because they do not have a carer or simply because they feel comfortable spending their first night recovering in our Private Hospital.
Whatever your choice – Day Surgery or overnight stay – our aim is to ensure that your recovery is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Choosing your
In Australia, anyone with a medical degree is entitled to perform “cosmetic” surgery. Some ‘cosmetic surgeons’ have only taken brief courses to learn certain procedures.
However, only members of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons have undertaken the further training necessary to quality as a Plastic Surgeon.
Choosing your
In Australia, anyone with a medical degree is entitled to perform “cosmetic” surgery. Some ‘cosmetic surgeons’ have only taken brief courses to learn certain procedures.
However, only members of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons have undertaken the further training necessary to quality as a Plastic Surgeon.

What you need to know
Plastic Surgery vs Cosmetic Surgery
Following the completion of a medical degree, plastic surgeons undergo an additional 8 years of rigorous training to master the specialist skills required to perform plastic surgical procedures.
Cosmetic ‘surgeons’ can belong to any medical speciality including general surgery or dermatology. Some cosmetic ‘surgeons’ have only taken short courses in certain cosmetic procedures.

If you are needing to
Fly in for Surgery
At Avenue Aesthetic Surgery, we care for many patients who fly in from all over Australia and overseas.
We have established our ‘fly in’ procedure so that all patients – regardless of location – can benefit from our state-of-the-art facilities and unparalleled standard of care. Whether you fly in alone or with loved ones, we can take care of you.
The Risks Of
Overseas Cosmetic Surgery
Plastic surgery is real surgery with real risks.
We advise anyone contemplating surgery overseas to first consider the qualifications of the surgeon, anaesthetist and surgical nurses and what happens if complications arise after you return home. Patient safety is our number one priority. However, your safety is often compromised.