Dr. Allan Kalus used the day as an opportunity to support the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia. His wife Susan and daughters Michelle and Alicia, invited some friends over and spent the day preparing Birthing Kits to assist women delivering their babies in Third World Countries.
Facts and Stats
Did you know that 380,000 women die in childbirth each year with 99% of these deaths occurring in developing countries?
A woman’s chance of dying from complications during pregnancy or delivery is: –
- 1 in 15 in Chad
- 1 in 16 in Somalia
- 1 in 2400 in the US
- 1 in 8100 in Australia
So, we are most fortunate in Australia to have expert obstetric and midwifery services available, not only to assist with delivery but also to manage high risk pregnancies so that the best possible outcome is achieved for mother and child.
The Birthing Kits (designed to be used by mothers giving birth in remote areas in developing countries) consists of a plastic sheet (to provide protection from the ground), a bar of soap so that the assistant can wash her hands and clean the peroneum, surgical gloves for the assistant to wear, string with which to tie the umbilical cord, a scalpel blade to cut the umbilical cord and some sterile gauze with which to wipe the baby’s eyes after delivery.
It is amazing to think that the use of such a simple Birthing Kit can help to reduce maternal and child mortality in developing countries.

How did you spend Mother’s Day recently?
Dr. Allan Kalus used the day as an opportunity to support the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia. His wife Susan and daughters Michelle and Alicia, invited some friends over and spent the day preparing Birthing Kits to assist women delivering their babies in Third World Countries.
Facts and Stats
Did you know that 380,000 women die in childbirth each year with 99% of these deaths occurring in developing countries?
A woman’s chance of dying from complications during pregnancy or delivery is: –
- 1 in 15 in Chad
- 1 in 16 in Somalia
- 1 in 2400 in the US
- 1 in 8100 in Australia
So, we are most fortunate in Australia to have expert obstetric and midwifery services available, not only to assist with delivery but also to manage high risk pregnancies so that the best possible outcome is achieved for mother and child.
The Birthing Kits (designed to be used by mothers giving birth in remote areas in developing countries) consists of a plastic sheet (to provide protection from the ground), a bar of soap so that the assistant can wash her hands and clean the peroneum, surgical gloves for the assistant to wear, string with which to tie the umbilical cord, a scalpel blade to cut the umbilical cord and some sterile gauze with which to wipe the baby’s eyes after delivery.
It is amazing to think that the use of such a simple Birthing Kit can help to reduce maternal and child mortality in developing countries.