Avenue Aesthetic Surgery is here to help you make the informed choice

Are you concerned about your Breast Implants?

With hundreds of thousands of women having had breast implants inserted over the last 50 years, removal of old and sometimes leaking breast implants has become a common procedure.

Some women choose to have their implants removed and replaced if they have developed signs of leakage/rupture, if the breasts have become hard due to fibrous capsular contracture or simply because they are not happy with their size – either too big or too small. Some women dislike the look of their breasts as implants may be situated too high and look fake.


Our approach to Implant Removal and Replacement

We will guide you through the entire process – from initial consultation to full recovery – to help ensure you achieve the most satisfying result.

Recovery typically involves wearing a postoperative bra for 3 months and a ‘bra band’ over the top of the breasts for 6 weeks. We recommend no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for approximately 6 weeks following surgery. Most of our patients return to relatively normal activity and sedentary work after 1 week.

All surgery carries risks which are important to understand so that you make a well-informed decision. Complications associated with breast implant removal and replacement include bleeding, infection, capsular contracture (thickening of the scar tissue around the implant), alterations in nipple sensation, malposition of the implants, implant rupture, asymmetry, poor scarring, deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) and anesthetic complications.

This listing is not all-inclusive and patients may be at risk for additional complications depending on their past medical and surgical history. A thorough discussion will occur during consultation with your doctor including ways to mitigate risks prior to surgery and steps taken to treat complications should they occur.

What are my options?

If you decide to have your implants removed, our practitioners can offer you a number of options:

1 / Implant removal without replacement

Some women decide simply to have their old implants removed and for nothing more to be done. It’s important to note that the natural breast tissue would have been compressed by the implant and the ribs of the chest wall are usually indented due to pressure of the implant. Therefore, it may take some time before your breasts return to their normal size.

2 / Implant removal and replacement

Some women (including those who previously had very small breasts) choose to have their implants replaced following removal. In this case, we recommend a smooth-walled implant placed behind the pectoral muscle. This procedure can be performed at the same time as your implant removal.

3 / Implant removal and augmentation via fat transfer

We are now also able to offer our breast implant removal patients re-augmentation via fat transfer. Fat from other areas of your body (such as your hips, thighs and abdomen) can be harvested using liposuction and then, after preparation, injected into your breasts. Most women are able to achieve a 1-2 cup size increase, depending on the amount of fat available. Fat transfer is a way to both enhance your bust and to lose excess fat from unwanted areas.

Leaking Silicone Implants and Capsular Contracture – how we can help

All silicone breast implants have a limited lifespan – the risk of rupture increases over time, with an estimated 10-15% rupturing by 10 years. A rupture may be present without any clinical signs of symptom – MRI is the best imaging method to detect rupture.

In the case of rupture, it is essential to have your leaking implants removed. The aim of surgery is to remove the implant and as much of the original silicone as possible. If the silicone has spread to other parts of the body such as the lymph glands in the armpits, then a decision must be made as to whether further surgery to remove these glands is required. Sometimes a scar tissue capsule develops around the implant. This capsular can thicken, harden and even calcify. In these cases, it may also be necessary to remove the capsule.

Total Capsulectomy

When and how is it done?

All breast implants become surrounded by a capsule of scar tissue, which is manufactured by the body and designed to form a barrier between the tissues of the body and the actual implant. This capsule of scar tissue is often very thin and the implant slides around inside the capsule providing a natural looking movement to the breasts. Occasionally however the capsule can become thickened and even calcified, i.e. hard clumps of calcium tissue form inside the capsule. This is usually seen when the implant is located in front of the muscle and when the implants have been in place for a long period of time.

In cases where the capsule is severely thickened (and perhaps also calcified) it may be advisable to remove the capsule at the time of implant removal.

Some women are believed to suffer from ‘Breast Implant Illness.’ This refers to symptoms such as muscle aches and pains, joint aches and pains, rashes, allergic conditions, hair loss, fatigue etc. that is believed, but not proven, to be caused by breast implants. We have observed that symptoms of Breast Implant Illness occur much more commonly in women with textured breast implants. It is our view that textured breast implants result in significant inflammation over a large surface area and it is this chronic inflammation which causes the symptoms. So once the implants are removed, the inflammation settles and the symptoms usually resolve. Sometimes a total capsulectomy is required whereas in certain occasions a partial capsulectomy is a safer option.

We have seen many women who have had severe breast deformities following total capsulectomy. For these women scar revision including fat grafting is often required.

In some cases, it may be advantageous to retain a thin non-diseased capsule as it provides structural support for breast reconstruction, implant insertion or fat grafting.

The cost of breast augmentation can vary from patient to patient, depending on the procedure. To ensure complete accuracy, we can determine pricing during your first consultation after we have been able to gain an insight into what is necessary for your individual case. Our surgery is designed to treat each patient individually, giving you a completely tailored experience.

Call Avenue Aesthetic Surgery today on 03 9521 1777 to discuss the cost of your breast implants.



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