This is a story about a 50 year old woman who had breast implants. She had worked hard all her life to raise her children. Six years ago she travelled to Sydney for a cheap breast implant operation. Although she told her doctor that all she wanted was a C cup, he insisted that she wouldn’t be happy unless she was a little larger. However, when she woke up following her surgery, she found that she had been made an E cup! She put up with this ridiculous situation for 3 years until she decided that enough was enough and she wanted smaller implants. Unfortunately, her skin had stretched and so the surgeon in Melbourne decided to do a breast lift procedure. Although she told him that she wanted to be a lot smaller when she woke up from her surgery she found that not only did she have the extra scars from the breast lift, but also she was still too big – a D cup.
Unfortunately, the implants that she had inserted were textured silicone implants and these have now been subject to a recall because of the risk of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
When I saw her it was clear that her breasts were far too large for her rather petite build. Fortunately, she had about a B cup of her own breast tissue. Her implants at about 350 cc were firm and situated high on her chest wall producing an unnatural appearance. This is very common in that large breast implants tend to sit too high and give a round unnatural look.
Her question was whether her implants could be removed and she could use some of her own fat and still end up a C cup.
Fortunately she did have some excess fat in her abdomen, hips and lateral thighs. So the plan is to remove her implants, to use her previous breast lift scars to tighten her breast skin around her own breast tissue (we call this an auto augmentation) to harvest the excess fat and, following careful preparation, to graft the fat as micro droplets under the skin around her breasts.
The expected result is that she will be implant free, fit into a nice C cup bra with soft, natural breasts with a beautiful cleavage and even be a size smaller around her hips and thighs. Finally, she will have achieved a complete rebalancing of her figure with an all-natural breast augmentation.
Blog written by Dr. Allan Kalus

“I’m Over My Breast Implants”
This is a story about a 50 year old woman who had breast implants. She had worked hard all her life to raise her children. Six years ago she travelled to Sydney for a cheap breast implant operation. Although she told her doctor that all she wanted was a C cup, he insisted that she wouldn’t be happy unless she was a little larger. However, when she woke up following her surgery, she found that she had been made an E cup! She put up with this ridiculous situation for 3 years until she decided that enough was enough and she wanted smaller implants. Unfortunately, her skin had stretched and so the surgeon in Melbourne decided to do a breast lift procedure. Although she told him that she wanted to be a lot smaller when she woke up from her surgery she found that not only did she have the extra scars from the breast lift, but also she was still too big – a D cup.
Unfortunately, the implants that she had inserted were textured silicone implants and these have now been subject to a recall because of the risk of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
When I saw her it was clear that her breasts were far too large for her rather petite build. Fortunately, she had about a B cup of her own breast tissue. Her implants at about 350 cc were firm and situated high on her chest wall producing an unnatural appearance. This is very common in that large breast implants tend to sit too high and give a round unnatural look.
Her question was whether her implants could be removed and she could use some of her own fat and still end up a C cup.
Fortunately she did have some excess fat in her abdomen, hips and lateral thighs. So the plan is to remove her implants, to use her previous breast lift scars to tighten her breast skin around her own breast tissue (we call this an auto augmentation) to harvest the excess fat and, following careful preparation, to graft the fat as micro droplets under the skin around her breasts.
The expected result is that she will be implant free, fit into a nice C cup bra with soft, natural breasts with a beautiful cleavage and even be a size smaller around her hips and thighs. Finally, she will have achieved a complete rebalancing of her figure with an all-natural breast augmentation.
Blog written by Dr. Allan Kalus